Don’t Buy TGA Approved Products
October 26, 2021
TGA Clamps down on false claims for therapeutic products
The COVID-19 virus has seen an increase in false claims for the prevention of transmission of viruses. Businesses, more than ever, rely on PPE, cleaners and equipment to protect staff against viruses and bacteria.
The TGA (Therapeutic Goods Association) is responsible for regulating therapeutic goods in Australia. Including the regulation of any device which is used for the prevention of disease transmission between people. In previous years masks, gloves, protective gowns, disinfectants, sanitisers and cleaning chemicals were displayed with a TGA approved, TGA Listed, or TGA Registered label, but this is no longer the case.
New registrations for compliance
TGA no longer supports a “TGA Approved” claim in advertising. Instead, products sold in Australia are listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods, displayed as ARTG Registered followed by a number. You can check the currency by searching the ARTG Register.
For your convenience, Rodburn tags ARTG Registered products
Check products tested against COVID 19
Other registrations include products that are effective against COVID-19. On top of ARTG, the TGA has created a registered list of products that have specifically been tested against COVID 19.
The principal is the same. You can search this list by the ARTG number to check claims about products effectiveness against COVID 19.
Rodburn Tags products proven against COVID 19
No TGA Approved so what do businesses need to look for now?
If your business needs products to prevent disease transmission, look for ARTG Registered products. Check the registration on the register. Do not buy TGA approved products. The likelihood of fake “TGA Approved” not registered on the ARTG is high. The TGA does not approve PPE or cleaning products, and if there is no ARTG Registered Number, you need to check the products you are using.
For the convenience of our customers, we are adding ARTG numbers to products so they can be quickly confirmed. If you are concerned about the compliance of products in your business, contact our product specialists.